Thursday, March 13, 2008

you actually think that would work

I have always known that no matter how you explain how you feel to others, they would never understand. Emotions, abstract as they are, are difficult to share.

Well, to explain them in a “it’s like this shit and it’s like that fuck…” fashion is easy. Like, well, “I’m feeling sad because somebody close to me died” or “I’m not in a good mood because I had a fight with somebody” are plain explanations and could be done even by those who are not experiencing the feeling.

But to actually share what you feel, to let others feel what you feel so that they could REALLY understand, well, it’s like telling somebody to fart for you.

Funny really because they say that to let go of the feeling and to make yourself feel better you need to share what you feel.

Now, tell me, how many times have you poured your guts out because you felt so fucked up and the only reaction you got is, “Okay, don’t worry, everything’s gonna be okay,” and you actually felt nice afterwards?

As if those words actually just erased your pain away, so to speak.

If they actually did well good for you, you have actually been so good in convincing yourself that the world is a big, fat, candy-colored shit.

Sorry about being cynical and all but it’s better than to actually lead or force myself to believe that such a pathetic line such as everything’s gonna be fine could actually make things fine.

I have stopped believing in Santa and the church a long time ago.

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