Sunday, March 9, 2008

in solitude

have you ever wonder why there are relationships that do not work this question has always bothered me though people say i am not difficult to deal with once they know me. well, that is if they get a chance to know me. somehow, you wonder what makes relationships work - may it be grounded on friendship, blood relations, romance, among others. it makes you wonder what makes people hold on and what makes people let go.

maybe there are those who were destined to walk this world alone, in solitude. for if they happen to get attached with others, if they happen to entwine their lives with others, they only cause pain - if not for themselves, for the people they become close with. such miseries are avoidable if we only know how to become more giving and open-minded. oh, such words are sweet. if only they are achievable. because in this world, those people who give and understand are the only ones who get hurt and those who can't give and can't understand end up devouring those who can.

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